The Walt Disney Family Museum Blog

Posted on Mon, 03/28/2011 - 06:00
Posted on Mar 28, 2011

Ever since I began working for the Museum in September 2009 and learned that we’d be offering a Film of the Month for our guests, I anxiously awaited the showing of Mary Poppins. It had always been my favorite Disney feature-length film, and when it was finally scheduled to run this month, I was thrilled. Not only did I have the chance to watch it again in our intimate Fantasia-themed theater, I also had the pleasure of introducing it to visitors throughout the month, and then making the book behind the movie the focus of our March Look Closer presentation...

Posted on Tue, 03/22/2011 - 06:00
Posted on Mar 22, 2011

Throughout the month of March, The Walt Disney Family Museum is showing Walt Disney's classic film Mary Poppins. In celebration of this beloved movie, the Museum hosted an extraordinary afternoon with the film's costume and design consultant, Tony Walton. Brad Rosenstein, curator of the San Francisco Museum of Performance and Design, moderated the discussion on Tony's life and work. The conversation focused on Tony's designs for Mary Poppins, his firsthand experiences working with Walt, and a few behind-the-scenes secrets of the film...

Posted on Tue, 03/15/2011 - 06:00
Posted on Mar 15, 2011

Once a story man, always a story man.

The Sherman brothers (or “the boys” as Walt Disney called them) were staff writers for The Walt Disney Studio, and are responsible for some of the best-loved songs in entertainment history. In an early meeting with Walt, the Sherman brothers explained their reasoning behind the song “For Now, For Always” from the 1961 film,The Parent Trap...

Posted on Mon, 03/14/2011 - 06:00
Posted on Mar 14, 2011

We asked Martin Salazar, our Art Conservator, to pick his favorite artifact from our Collection and write about why he chose it. He chose a unique artifact from the the movie Fantasia.


Posted on Fri, 03/11/2011 - 06:00
Posted on Mar 11, 2011

Our amazing model of Disneyland was built by Kerner Optical in San Rafael, California, a former division of George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic. It was completed and installed in Gallery 9 before the completion of the reading rail.  

The original installation of the rail was very tricky and time-consuming; it was a striking thing, winding down the length of the ramp, bright peacock blue, and full of information...

Posted on Mon, 03/07/2011 - 06:00
Posted on Mar 7, 2011

Each month, we ask a museum staff member to answer five questions about their position at The Walt Disney Family Museum, their fondest Disney memories, and other personal tidbits. This is the third in our series titled "What Do YOU Do?" and this month, we're highlighting John Stroh!

Posted on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 06:00
Posted on Feb 28, 2011

As visitors to The Walt Disney Family Museum make their way through the second floor galleries, they occasionally overlook the displays in 7b, intent on taking in the breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge that awaits them just beyond. But when that occurs, these guests miss the opportunity to see the special treasures arrayed in the cases in this gallery...